Advanced IP Video Management. Made Simple.
Nx Witness™ brings IP video management into the 21st century (where it belongs.)
Revolutionary “Flex” UI.
In a world filled with traditional, stagnant user interfaces the Nx Witness “Flex” user interface brings a fresh new approach to configuring, controlling, and monitoring IP Video systems. With a single unified interface for administration and monitoring Nx Witness gives users the ability to interact quickly and meaningfully with their IP video system. Users can create and control an unlimited number of custom tabbed layouts, create and administer users, detect and control IP cameras, search for and share video events, monitor and troubleshoot system components, and more! In short – Nx Witness has a unified interface for unified management of all your IP video needs.
Built for Users
Nx Witness was concieved and created for one purpose – usability. Installation, setup, and system expansion is simple and takes just minutes with instant automatic camera and server discovery. Drag & drop usability makes it easy to interact with cameras, servers, and any local media file. Multiple search options – keyword search, smart motion search, time-slice preview search, and calendar search make finding event video a simple task. Menus are intuitive and include helpful dialogues for users who are configuring or managing the system. A built-in context-sensitive help system makes learning individual features easy to learn.
Painless to Maintain.
With free upgrades and one-click system-wide updates Nx Witness makes maintaining your IP Video system pain-free. The cross-platform nature of Nx Witness – with apps for Windows, Linux, MacOSX, Android, iOS – means users can choose their preferred storage and control hardware. And with native support for any ONVIF profile S device, any RTSP-enabled device, and even a public SDK & API for integrating new devices and interacting with different systems, Nx Witness reduces initial total cost of ownership both in the short and long-term. End-users can also get direct manufacturer help at
Construction Site Safety
Intelligent Security Management
Touch Cloud Intelligent Security System – People counting
Nx Witness™ IP Video Management Suite.
Advanced IP Video Management. Made Simple.
Watch the demo to see how.
Setup Made Simple.
Traditional IP Video Management software takes hours, if not days, to set up. With automatic camera and server discovery – and installers for Windows, Linux, and Mac operating systems – Nx Witness takes just minutes to download, install and configure. Nx Witness supports any ONVIF or RTSP-enabled device. Users can detect, capture, and control thousands of existing IP video capture devices.
Built for Users.
“I want to build software so simple my grandmother can use it.” – Sergey Bystrov, CTO & Co-Founder. Designed to be instantly usable, Nx Witness has a revolutionary flexible drag & drop user interface that has redefined how the industry approaches live and recorded video management. Skip the training – and save money and time – with Nx Witness.
Open for Developers.
NX Witness™ has a comprehensive SDK and API – accessible at any time through the Nx Witness™ server web admin page. – view & control any video stream via the SDK. – integrate with any 3rd party system via the API.
No Pain to Maintain.
NX Witness™ has free upgrades for life, an online support portal, and an industry-first one-click system-wide upgrade features that makes keeping your system up-to-date simple and painless.
Enterprise Features Come Standard.
Unlike our competitors, Nx Witness has consistent, powerful features regardless of the size of system. Enterprise features like Automatic Failover, EDGE camera support, and Server Health Monitoring come standard on every installation.
Free to Try.
Want to try out Nx Witness before you make a decision? Download Nx Witness for free at today and get a free 30 day trial (all features included).
Nx Witness™ Version 2.3 Features
Supported Operating Systems.
– Windows XP or later. – Ubuntu Linux 12.04 or later. – Mac OSX 10.6 or later (client only)

Supported Devices & Manufacturers.

– Any ONVIF Profile S Device. – Any RTSP video stream. – Integrate any device with the Nx SDK. – Most security surveillance brands already supported. Acti, Arecontvision, Axis, Brickcom, Canon, Dahua, Digital Watchdog, D-Link, Hikvision, IQinVision, ISD, Sony, Stardot, Vista, Vivotek, and more. – More brands and devices added on every release.
Unique Enterprise Features
No Single Point of Failure – Connect to any server in the system to view the entire system..
Automatic Camera Failover – Enable any server(s) as a failover server to create a high-reliability system.
Smart Search Options – Use any search feature you prefer – smart motion, keyword(s), time-slice, or calendard to find and share events.
Universal Fisheye Dewarping – Automatically or manually detect and dewarp anyfisheye lens – including panamorph lenses.
Advanced Video Export – Export single or multiple video events into standard or executable format.
Server Health Monitoring – Drag & Drop servers onto flexible grid interface to view CPU, network, memory, and HDD status.
One-Click System-Wide Updates – Upgrade your entire system – servers & edge cameras with the click of a button.
No Single Point of Failure. Automatic Camera Failover. One-Click System Wide Upgrades.
No Single Point of Failure.
Nx Witness’ Industry-first server-hive architecture creates an IP Video Management Platform where every single server continuously synchronizes system information with every other server in the system – including: – System Configurations – Server Settings – Camera Settings – User Rights – Rules, Events, & Actions With Nx Witness server hive archicture users can connect to any system server at any time to view and manage the entire system.
Automatic Camera Failover.
Another benefit of Nx Witness’ revolutionary new server hive architecture is the system’s ability to instantly recognize servers which are no longer available – and then to quickly adapt by moving cameras to another system server. Users can configure which servers in their system should act as faillover servers – and which servers should not. Best of all Automatic Camera Failover – a feature which costs tens of thousands of dollars in competitive solutions – is absolutely free in Nx Witness.
One Click System-Wide Updates.
Yet another amazing first-in-the-industry feature from Nx Witness enabled by a server hive architecture is One-Click System-Wide Updates. Perhaps the most challenging part of maintaining an IP Video Management platform is managing the update process. Traditionally for users with multiple sites or large systems this process can take days or weeks and cost thousands of dollars and hundreds of man hours to complete. With Nx Witness users are able to upgrade their entire system – no matter the size or locations – with the click of a button.
Nx Server Hive Architecture.
A revolutionary new approach.
One Click System Wide Updates
System Administrators can connect to the Nx Witness system – either remotely or locally – and upgrade their entire system with the click of a button – saving money and increasing the ability to adop the latest technology as it is released.
Automatic Camera Failover.
In the instance of a server hardware failure Nx Witness automatically migrates cameras from the failed server to an available failover server – making sure system cameras are always online and always recording.
No Single-Point of Failure.
Nx Witness users can connect to any available server – locally or remotely – to view and manage their Nx Witness system.