Safety Inspection Checklist

1. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

A. Are all workers issued with the appropriate type of PPE?

 Yes  No  N.A. 

B. Any records of issuance kept?

 Yes  No  N.A. 

C. Are safety helmets/belt/harness worn and used by workers while working on site/height?

 Yes  No  N.A. 

2. Electrical hazards

A. Are all electrical equipment free off electrical defects?

 Yes  No  N.A. 

B. Are all temporary electrical installation provided with ELCB and proper covering?

 Yes  No  N.A. 

C. Any bare wires inserted into the socket outlet?

 Yes  No  N.A. 

D. All electrical wires are kept away from wet surfaces or loose on the ground?

 Yes  No  N.A. 

E. Are portable hand tools, equipment, wire and plugs used in good working condition?

 Yes  No  N.A. 

3. Fire hazards

A. Fire extinguishers provided in site office, building premises and hot work areas?

 Yes  No  N.A. 

B. Are oxy – acetylene cylinders fitted with flashback arrestors?

 Yes  No  N.A. 

4. Falling hazards

A. All unguarded/floor openings and effectively barricaded or covered up?

 Yes  No  N.A. 

B. Are proper working platforms provided to workers working at height and lifeline provided for hazardous work area?

 Yes  No  N.A. 

5. Housekeeping

A. Any passageways obstructed by debris/materials?

 Yes  No  N.A. 

B. Workers disposed their debris daily at the designated areas/bins?

 Yes  No  N.A. 

6. First Aid Box

A. Are first aid boxed available?

 Yes  No  N.A. 

B. Are they maintained and documented?

 Yes  No  N.A. 

C. Are there first aiders available?

 Yes  No  N.A. 

7. Scaffold

A. Weekly check by scaffold supervisor?

 Yes  No  N.A. 

B. SWL displayed?

 Yes  No  N.A. 

C. Erected by qualified erectors and supervised by scaffold supervisors?

 Yes  No  N.A.