Inventory Asset

Inventory Asset

1. Registering new inventory in Administration > Data Setup > Inventory Asset



2. In the Inventory Asset, click Add button and key in inventory information and Save.



3. After inventory’s registered, user will able to Edit, Remove, and generate QR Code for each item.



4. Following the sample of QR Code generated. User able to print it out.



5. Then, go to Project > Inventory Asset. User will able to search the inventory via scan the QR Code. User need to install the QR Code scanner in mobile phone first in order to can scan the QR Code. Here is steps on how to install QR Code scanner in theĀ 



6. After install the QR Code scanner, login to CTMS using mobile phone and go to Project > Inventory Assets. Click under field Input Asset ID. When the keyboard appear, click the Scanner.



7. The camera will automatically on and capture the QR Code. After QR Code scanned it will automatically go to inventory detail page.