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                                         Construction Management System
                                                             FREE TRIAL
Welcome to Construction Management System (CTMS) information site! This site gives an overview on what CTMS is about, how can it be applied, how it can solve problems.
Construction Management System (CTMS) is a mobile construction project management solution that also serves as a communication and coordination tool for various groups involved on a construction project.


e-Permit To Work System Aim:

• To enhance company’s WSH performance/productivity by Implement e-Permit to Work System for all projects

• To enhance efficiency and productivity in PTW processing
• To cut down paperwork and waiting time.
• Centralised desktop/monitor to flash all signed permit to work system.
• Paper forms are replaced by mobile applications, easy to use and available on phones or tablets/PC.
• Supervisors from site can submit PTW on their mobile devices.
• Information can be validated by supervisors, assessors and managers.
• Dashboards, PTW and reports are automatically generated.
• Easy to check and monitor.
• Reports and forms are saved in a secure environment, accessible any time for audit purposes.

Permit to Work – sample
Accident Report
Incident Report
Non-conformance Report

