Checklist For DC Submission – Private / Public Building Developments

Checklist For DC Submission – Private / Public Building Developments
Standard Requirements

1. General
(a) The plans should comprise
– Key and location plans of scale 1 ; 10,000 or 1 ; 5,000 showing access to the site from the street or road

Complied With  

Not Complied With  

Not Applicable  

– Site plan of scale 1 ; 500, 1 ; 200 or 1 ; 100

Complied With  

Not Complied With  

Not Applicable  

– Address, lot and/or plot number of the development site and neighbouring lots

Complied With  

Not Complied With  

Not Applicable  

– 1st storey plan of scale 1 ; 500, 1 ; 200 or 1 ; 100

Complied With  

Not Complied With  

Not Applicable  

– Survey plan (survey done less than 2 years at the point of application and signed by a qualified surveyor)

Complied With  

Not Complied With  

Not Applicable  

– Basement plan of scale 1 ; 500, 1 ; 200 or 1 ; 100

Complied With  

Not Complied With  

Not Applicable  

(b) The registered architect will submit a completed Nparks submission form, sign all layers of drawings digitally and enclose the letter of authorization from the developer

Complied With  

Not Complied With  

Not Applicable  

(c) The scale of all plans is correctly indicated

Complied With  

Not Complied With  

Not Applicable  

(d) The following are shown on site plan
– Development boundary verged in red

Complied With  

Not Complied With  

Not Applicable  

– Proposed development layout

Complied With  

Not Complied With  

Not Applicable  

– Road reserve line of existing and proposed roads verged in red

Complied With  

Not Complied With  

Not Applicable  

– Width of proposed road

Complied With  

Not Complied With  

Not Applicable  

– Category of existing and proposed roads

Complied With  

Not Complied With  

Not Applicable  

– Existing and proposed road sidetable

Complied With  

Not Complied With  

Not Applicable  

– Existing and proposed levels of the development site

Complied With  

Not Complied With  

Not Applicable  

– Basement line highlighted in brown dotted line

Complied With  

Not Complied With  

Not Applicable  

– Boundary / retaining wall highlighted in orange line. Schematic engineering drawing with dimensions of the wall and foundation indicated on plan

Complied With  

Not Complied With  

Not Applicable  

– Fire engine access and fire engine hardstanding areas

Complied With  

Not Complied With  

Not Applicable  

– Tabulations of exisiting trees with species and girths

Complied With  

Not Complied With  

Not Applicable