1. Basically, what does CTMS do?

It is a SAAS/on-demand software. It can monitor worker’s attendance, worker’s details, equipment, inventory, project assignments, projects etc. saving time and work

 2. How long has your software been around?

This software is a new concept and has been around since November 2013

3. What unique features does this software have?

This software makes use of ‘push technology’ so that one can update data in real time. (For e.g. when one is using the software to upload an image, the uploaded image will appear automatically after it is uploaded without having to “refresh” the page. For details on push technology, click here.

4. How do I pay for this service?

This is a SaaS/on-demand software. You will only pay when you wish to use it. You can stop paying if you wish not to use it. Click here for more details

5. When can I stop using this software?

As this is an SaaS software, you may wish to terminate it as and when you do not need it. 

6. What do I need to use this software?

You will need a phone tablet with browsers that uses html 5 installed. Alternatively, a computer with browsers using html 5 would be sufficient to use this software. Click here for details on html 5.

7. Is this software available in other languages?

Yes. Besides English, it is available in Mandarin, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Melayu, Tamil and Japanese.

8. Can I have a customized version for it?

Yes. Customizable modules include reports like attendance reports.

9. How long and where is the data stored?

The data is stored for as long as you are using it in the cloud server.

10. When would this system be fully functional from the point of payment?

This system would be fully functional once the necessary information is in place (eg. Worker details)



1.Can the solution be used on PC, iOS and Android system?

Yes, it is responsive design and multi-tenancy, see here.

2.How is it being used on mobile device?i.e. Through Mobile App or browser.

Browser, like chrome, see here

            a.For mobile App, can anyone download it and install?

               It is not native program, no installer required.

            b.Can we identify the installed mobile devices?

               Nope. But you can trace the location of the mobile from the submitted permits.

           c.Can we identify the installed mobile devices?

              Nope. But you can trace the location of the mobile from the submitted permits.

3.For Mobile App, does it store any data on the device?

            a.If yes, what kind of data are being stored in the device?

              No data store at device. Server cloud based.

             b.What encryption policies protect the data when it is being stored?


            c.Can the data stored be remote wipe from server?


4.What encryption policies protect the data as it is transferred?

SSL, https

5.What are the user access and authentication policies?

Main contractor and subcontractor policies, users, admin, registered users, staffs and management, project assignment.

6.Does it have inactivity ‘auto log out’ feature?

            a.If yes, what is the duration?

               Yes, 15 minutes at the moment, configurable

7.Are there activities logging? (I.e. Accesses, App changes by user)

Yes, we have audit trial.

Server System

1.Where is the server system located?

Singapore M1 Data center.

2.What are the security measures in place? (I.e. Firewall policies)

Plesk firewall, with Juniper router

3.What are the redundancy/backup plan?

Daily backup plan

4.What is the equipment maintenance plan?

Monthly maintenance, systems batch update (linux).

5.When a customer terminates his subscription of use, how can he retrieve all data stored? All database can be downloaded as PDF