Privileges Program (“Program”)
2017 to 2018
Name of Contact Person
Tel Number
Mobile Number
We, (Autofill by Company Name)
(Name of Company) agree to and accept
The stated XX Promotion General Terms & Conditions as set in Page 4 of the Form with XX International Co., Ltd. in relation to “XX Privileges Program (“Program”)> (Now to 31 May 2018) (the “Promotion”).
I hereby agree to support the Program by XX with the benefits below. I understand that this form acts as the basis of an agreement between Enterprise Sports Group Ptd Ltd (“ESG”) and my organisation, of which I am an authorise signatory. I acknowledge that ESG is acting on behalf of XX and will not be held liable for any dispute arising out of the tie-up.
I understand that all information provided to me and the company which I represent, is provided for the sole purpose of supporting our participation in the Program and that this information, whether in the form of card numbers, profile or participation of XX issuing banks, and/or XX business information, whether provided in hardcopy or digital format, will not be passed on to another entity, held in a public place, or distributed in any way, either as reproduced hardcopy or digital copy, or by word of mouth.
I will ensure that the relevant service and frontline staff are trained adequately to provide service to any query or transaction related to the benefit provided by my company for the Program. In the event that a dispute/complaint arises in regards to non-delivery of the benefit(s), my company will resolve the issue in an expedient manner.
I commit to submit Program results on a monthly basis to track the performance of this tie-up and understand that the information submitted, will include all or part of the following; number of enquiries, number of redeemed offers, total value of the redeemed offers and any qualitative feedback from XX cardholders. The information provided will only be used to provide XX with Program success indicators.
We have also verified that the information reflected herein is accurate and understand that such information will be published in communications and collateral related to the Promotion, where applicable.
Company Name (COY)
(English) (Autofill by Company Name)
(Chinese, if applicable)
Merchant Identification Number (MID)
Category of Merchant (such as Retails, Hotel, Attractions, Dining)
Outlet Name (if differs from Company Name)
Address, Telephone no. and Fax no. of outlet
Website of Merchant/Brand
Description of Merchant (Max. 300 words)
Offer Description
Terms & Conditions
How this offer is booked or redeemed
Promotion/Booking code (If applicable)
Validity Period
Now till 31 May 2018
POSM (A5 sized tent cards) (To be produced by XX)
URL to download all HD images of outlets and brand logos.
Remarks; Please indicate the image specification on the file name.
Brand Logos (If available)
Upload Image
Upload Image
Upload Image
1. Relevant corporate guidelines and corporate logos. Note that these will be adopted whenever possible XX creative communications.
2. All images in hi-resolution format (Adobe Photoshop, TIFF or EPS file with a minimum of 1920×1080 pixel). Please ensure that you own the copyright or license for the images supplied. In providing (or providing access to) this/these image(s) you will be granting ESG, XX and its network of XX issuing banks the rights to reproduce the image in all media that support your offer.
3. Please provide suitable images and logos for use when you return this form to ESG. If images are to be downloaded, please provide instructions in the boxes below.
4. All creative communications where your image, brand mark or submitted offer is used will be provided to you for sign off before publication.
Additional comments (if any)
Company Stamp
Contact No
Thank you for confirming your participation in the stated Program.
XX Promotion General Terms & Conditions
1. All XX Cardmembers (“Cardmembers”) under the XX Card Privileges Programme are eligible for the XX Merchant Promotions privileges at participating merchant outlets, unless otherwise specified and subject to the acceptance of XX Cards.
2. All offers are valid through from till , unless otherwise specified.
3. All and full payments must be with a valid XX Card starting with “62”.
4. To enjoy the privileges, XX Cards must be presented / mentioned before ordering or at point of making payment.
5. Offers are not valid for other on–going promotions, discounts, vouchers, rebates, privilege cards, loyalty programmes or in–house offers unless otherwise specified.
6. Prices listed may be subject to service charge and prevailing government taxes where applicable.
7. XX makes no warranty or representation as to the quality, merchantability or fitness for purpose of the Merchant’s goods and services. Any dispute about the same must be resolved directly with Merchant.
8. XX shall not be liable for any loss, injury, claim or damage suffered or incurred as a result of the use of the Merchant’s goods and services.
9. XX and the participating restaurants / outlets reserve the right to waive / vary / amend the privileges or terms and conditions and / or terminate or withdraw the privileges / Programme without prior notice and liability to any party.
10. Amendments to the Promotion, including but not limited to changes to existing privileges, terms and conditions and partner participation will be updated on the XX Website. Information on the website regarding the Promotion supersedes all prior communications on the same. Any Cardmember who continues to use his / her card at participating restaurants / outlets will be deemed to have agreed to be bound by these amendments.
11. All information is correct at time of print.
12. Other terms & conditions and individual merchants’ cancellation terms and conditions apply.