Welcome to EDATA Website

The way to manage your building project with awesome technology.
Monitoring your Construction, and Excavation building project.

Above Ground Activity

CTMS (Construction Monitoring Solutions, http://edata.sg/ctms)

CTMS is a cloud-based construction management system in which people from the industry can manage the overall planning, coordination, and control of a project from beginning to completion to increase productivity and work automation. It serves as a communication and coordination tool for various groups involved on a construction project. It improves productivity through the automation of manual processes such as: data collection, processing, submission, approval and billing. It also assists with meeting regulatory requirements through providing standard templates for compliance and reporting to the authority. CTMS won SiTF finalist award year 2013. CTMS also granted by IDA, SPRING and BCA for monitoring activities [see here].

Under Ground Activity

EMS (Excavation Monitoring Systems, http://edata.sg/ems/)

EMS capture instrumentation information extracted from geotechnical instrumentation devices into a single repository for the purpose of analysis, operational monitoring, information dissemination, reporting and construction planning. It achieves greater productivity, efficiency and improve effectiveness in construction management.