Work Efficiency
Company Name: ______________________________________________
Name: ______________________________________________
Position: ______________________________________________
Contact No: ______________________________________________
E-Mail: ______________________________________________
1. Do you agree that this system can increase the efficiency in your company?
☐Yes ☐No
2. Have your company encountered any projects that was delayed due to communication breakdown? (If your answer is ‘No’ please skip to question 4)
☐Yes ☐No
3. If this system were to be implemented in that project, do you think it would solve the problem?
☐Yes ☐No
Other Comments:
4. How would you rate the efficiency of using a mobile electronic device to monitor and record onsite events in real time? (Please circle to indicate your answer)
Inefficient |
Neutral |
Efficient |
Very Efficient |
5. How would you rate the efficiency of using our system to fill in a checklist and upload it in real time? (Please circle to indicate your answer)
Inefficient |
Neutral |
Efficient |
Very Efficient |
6. CTMS also capitalizes on inventory management. How would you rate the efficiency of that feature? (Please circle to indicate your answer)
Inefficient |
Neutral |
Efficient |
Very Efficient |
7. In terms of efficiency, what other features would you want to see to be added into CTMS?